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Families Services

● LMS Services: The Leader in tutoring services & the #1 Reference in learning strategies!

Our advantages

Thank you for trusting our services; more than 5,000 people (parents and students) from various communities have benefited from our remarkable advantages:

● Our team is composed of experts and tutors certified in their field.
● Our tutors collaborate with your child's teachers and have the training to meet special needs (Autism, ADD, ADHD).
● Once a month or after 5 hours you receive a report of your child's progress.
● Upon registration, you get a scholastic motivational CD.
● The quality of our service is 100% guaranteed, otherwise, you get a refund
● All our tutors have an ID card in the LMS App to facilitate your first meeting.
● Our modern technology allows you to record your tutoring sessions online.
● We have affordable prices for families and you get a receipt for a tax credit.
● The more you use our service, the more you save.
● Students who use LMS Services are eligible for the Perseverance Award of LMS Foundation.

Our Team always does more for you, choosing LMS Services is a smart choice!

AI Service for School Learning (NEW)

Experts say that the impact of Artificial Intelligence will be greater than previous technologies (internet, digital era, etc.); a paradigm shift which will induce a metamorphosis in the labor market but also in the sphere of education. Our team provides parents with the first service in Quebec to provide advice focused on artificial intelligence for learning at school level:
●How can AI provide personalized and innovative learning opportunities for your children?
●What are the 11 best existing AIs that positively influence the learning curve of young people?
●What are the guidelines for the appropriate use of AI at the school level? These questions will be the subject of advice with our specialists.

Homeschooling Service

The Homeschooling Service reflects our philosophy of continuous innovation and adaptation to the new realities of the diverse families of the society. While taking into consideration the socio-cultural context as well as the parental values, our team supports their young people, through comprehensive services and in accordance with ministerial requirements on home education (CQLR, c. I-13.3, r. 6.01). For more information, CLICK HERE

Consultant service

The transition from primary to high school can cause several adaptation or adjustment problems for a child who is not well prepared. The high school-college shift can also be followed by several challenges for teen who are starting their college year. In fact, in college, classes require greater autonomy and a sense of organization. With this in mind, the counseling sessions offer practical and effective strategies to parents and students to prepare them for a good start to this new stage in their life with optimum results. To take an appointement, CLICK HERE.

Home tutoring service

Does your child have academic difficulties? Are you worried about his / her possible performance in upcoming Ministry exams? We offer a tutoring service in the comfort of your own home. To prepare your child very well, this service will include practice exercises from old final exams. The founders are teachers, therefore our tutors, in addition to having a very good knowledge of the curriculum, receive a rigorous teaching training allowing them to convey and transmit the material with effective strategies relative to problem-solving while adapting to the particular need of the student (Autism, ADHD).

Online tutoring service

The LMS Center uses modern and innovative methods to better serve its customers who are technology driven. Indeed, students who own a computer, an iPad, an iPhone or other similar electronic devices can do their online tutoring session from the comfort of their home. An interactive smartboard is included in our modern platform which also allows you to record your tutoring sessions and thus be re-listened as needed. To use this service, please contact our customer service who will give you more details relative to the procedure to follow.

Tutoring service at LMS Center

For parents who live nearby, we offer tutoring services in our Learning Center on Chauveau Street. Following the predetermined schedule, a tutor will be present to work with your child and assist him with hands-on exercises while answering his questions. For more information on the preparatory courses or summer courses offered, click here.

School resource service

As a leader in the school sector, the LMS Center offers a variety of educational resources to support your child on his / her hike to success. Generic resources are complementary information for academic success, while specific resources are fundamental to academic success; they reflect the expertise of Mr. Mayard who has helped many young people to excel or outperform their limits in mathematics and science courses.

List of courses

We offer private tutoring in the following courses:


Math1 - 6All courses on the
*MEES curriculum
Science1 - 6All courses on the
*MEES curriculum
English1 - 6
* Ministère de l’Éducation et de l'Enseignement Supérieur


Math7 - 11All courses on the
*MEES curriculum
Sciences & technologie7 - 10All courses on the
*MEES curriculum
Physics11Physics 534
Chemistry11Chemistry 534
* Ministère de l’Éducation et de l'Enseignement Supérieur


MathCalculus 1, 2 & 3 / Linear Algebra
PhysicsMechanics / Electricity & Magnetism / Optics
ChemistryChemistry 1, 2, 3
BiologyBiology 1 & 2

Tutorial Session Pricing
Virtual tutoring: $33/h - $43/h
Each plan can be renewed at the end of the tutoring session.
The more you use our service, the more you save:
a smart choice!

PlansHourly rate
Monthly(4h/month or +)
Minimum:4 months
*For in-person tutoring, prices vary from $45/h - $55/h relative to the location and the number of hours chosen.

Prepare yourselves for success, register now : click elementary & secondary or college

Consulting services
Get strategic advice with concrete solutions driven by modern research.

0.5h 75$

Welcome to our website. Through our various educational services, we are happy to help, support and motivate young students to scholastic success. Parents and school professionals will also benefit from our services.

Browse our interactive website for more information. To your success.

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